The Sacred Springs of Roskilde

Roskilde was once a place of pilgrimage and a considered a holy city, with an abundance of churches. There were many monasteries & nunneries that also ran hospitals and hospices. To this day, though now largely forgotten, Roskilde still has many sacred springs and it and the surrounding area is built upon a very special energy system including ley lines and energy vortexes.

The healing energy from the springs and other local power places, can be tapped into through meditation, healing exercises and sacred rituals. Each spring or power place has its own healing gift and Rachel has created vibrational essences to use as aura sprays for her healing clients.

Rachel sees the energy system in Roskilde (and the surrounding area) as an 'ascension grid', simply meaning that we can connect to the energies here for assistance with our spiritual development. Within this grid, she has discovered a chakra system, and offers a 'chakratur' (chakra walk) around the chakra points, and is currently writing a chakratur guide.

Rachel offers a weekly drop-in clinic at Quinoa Helsekost in Roskilde, where you can have a mini-session of 25 minutes. You can also book a full session of one hour, which can include the session being done outside on the landscape, in one or more of the sacred sites. You can also arrange your own individual tour of the chakra system on your own or with some friends.
Just ring or email Rachel to arrange your session.
 Full details are on

And finally.... you can read more about the springs here on Rachel's blog and to hear about the latest events join the sacred springs facebook page at
All pictures (apart from the cathedral one, that was me :-) © Annelie Birthe Andersen 2015 


  1. Love you Rachel

    Cynthia Taylor
    An incarnated angelic Cherubim


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