St. Gertrude's sacred spring 'the way in'

This is the spring of St. Gertrude in Roskilde, Denmark, one of many springs around the town, each with their different and unique personalities.
Before the (church) reformation in the 16th century, Roskilde was once a place of pilgrimage to visit the holy springs. People used to come to them for healing. The holiest springs each had their own special day in the church calendar when they were thought to be most potent in answering prayers and giving healing. Now, you can pick up a little map of the different springs to visit in Roskilde at the tourist office if you ask for it (it's not out on display, and it's in Danish) but they are easy enough to find from the map.
I'm a long time devotee of the white and red springs in Glastonbury. I love the Tor and especially Chalice Hill the most of all. I've visited some really special places in the world, Malta, Hawaii & Sedona, Arizona amongst them. But all these places are well known and marked on the New Age map.
Roskilde is a place that was once revered in the days of the Catholic church, who had no problem calling springs sacred. In the protestant reformation of the church however, revering a spring was thought unholy, and the practice was forbidden & wiped out.
I visited Roskilde a few years ago when I was living in Copenhagen (because I heard there were springs here) and I noticed the 'energies' here straightaway. Roskilde lies on a hill going down towards the harbour & once there were quite a number of monasteries and nunneries. There's a field of grass in the town next to the Cathedral (and underneath there is the remains of St. Hans chapel and medieval streets) and there is a view out to the fjord above the treeline. When I stood there for the first time, I had a thought of 'I could live here' flit briefly through my head. The water from the springs is apparent in streams and ponds around the town, and some flow down towards the shore, meeting with the sea water there. This truly is a town of water.
In the present day the town is famous for its cathedral (which has some difficult and rather complicated energies in it) and the fjord (estuary) which it lies on and has a viking museum (complete with reconstructed Viking ships) on it's shores.
I have come to live here, several years later, married now to a Danish man, and the energies here are more encompassing than I could have imagined. There is an energy system existing here, whole and complete in itself that I have barely begun to touch on, but somehow St. Gertrude's spring (above & below) is the starting place or the way in to it all. Here there is a depth that resounds with the Divine Mother energy; ancient, timeless and still. Very different to the masculine energy of the churches found here and in Copenhagen. Maybe once these springs were sacred to Freja, who was here in the land long before Christianity? But the springs have few visitors now, mostly just the locals walking by with their dogs, on going about their daily business.
But I think something special is happening here, between the old gods & goddesses of the Vanirs & the Aesirs & Christianity, a balanced energy has & is emerging, one that holds a relevance for the New Age of Aquarius, for those of us who are birthing the New Earth.
Dear springs of Roskilde, you are not forgotten, I see you. I feel the power that you hold, the mysteries that are waiting to be rediscovered. I hope that I may come to know you well in the days, months and years ahead. May you help us and our beautiful mother earth to heal, even as we offer you our love, thanks and heartfelt blessings. Blessed Be. Amen!!


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