Our first visit was to the beautiful 'cathedral tree' in the palæhave. Once again we had a beautiful warm day with blue skies and sunshine (after a week of rain). After receiving blessings from the tree, (which is one of the guardians on the energy grid here) we went first to Maglekilde, and connected with the power source there as well as feeling the neptunian aspects going on!!
Neptune awaits!!
© Annelie Birthe Andersen 2015 |
© Annelie Birthe Andersen 2015 |
such pure and clear energy!!
© Annelie Birthe Andersen 2015 |
After this, we went on to St. Mortensvej. I'm not sure exactly where this water is coming down from, but it's beautiful spring energy full of joy and wonder, that's for sure, and we made the most of it!!
the water plays and dances like dolphins jumping for joy
full of effervescent bubbles of delight!!
© Annelie Birthe Andersen 2015 |
© Annelie Birthe Andersen 2015 |
From here we went to byparken and the group did some clearing work in the lower left field (where the football posts are), with us calling on Pele (Hawaiian Goddess of the lava flow) and me chanting to Ganesh. There's some ancient stuck and stagnant energy in this part of the park, which is blocking the energy flow to some extent and still needs more work - for another day!! Then to another point in the park where the veil above our heads was very thin up to the higher dimensions and we attuned and balanced our crown chakras here. After this we went and had our throat chakras tuned with 'flow' at a throat chakra point in the folkeparken. The whole day felt as if 'creating flow' was an important theme. We finished near the town, just up from the library, and grounded ourselves at an earth chakra point. We received many beautiful energies this day, and worked with the flow in the Roskilde energy grid, and with our own flow and we had a good day with many beautiful sights in Roskilde, lovely people to spend the afternoon with, the most amazing energy places that Roskilde is just full with and so we gave thanks for the grace and beauty we had been bestowed with, and all the lovely gifts we had received. Blessed Be, Amen!!!
Does this spring water heal? Can you ship it if we buy it?