Our first Roskilde earth healing group

For our first earth healing group, 6 of us met on the 11th May 2018. Pele, Hawaiian goddess of the volcano and of the lava flow, stepped forward to be our guardian and protectress, creating a ring of fire around us as we work, that none may cross unless invited. Pele has long been my close ally, appearing instantly and without call if I need her, blessings be to Pele.
We spoke about the need of the land to be cared for by us (sacred stewardship), and to do this by learning to listen to the land, and following the guidance so that the healing work is carried out in the right order.
We called in the spirits of the land and asked for their blessings.
For our first piece of work, we worked with some water taken from the top lakes in Folkeparken that is distinctly unhealthy, suffering from an invasion of pondweed and has become a strange milky colour (the water coming is spring water, but appears contaminated and smells sulforous). As we tuned into the energy of the water, we could feel a blockage around the (our) throat chakra and a sense of loss and grief around the heart. We reflected on how long it has been since we (the people) felt connected to the land where they lived, or communicated with it. We gave our love and blessings to the water and used a simple tranfiguration technique taught by Sandra Ingerman (who teaches shamanism) http://www.sandraingerman.com/tnoctober2016.html 
We agreed that we can have monthly meetings on the second Saturday of each month, kl.9-11, with the venue being announced using an event on https://www.facebook.com/sacredspringsofroskilde/

Bright Blessings,
Rachel Goodwin.


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